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Early detection of rheumatism through latest technology

25,000 new patients are diagnosed with RA in Germany each year

but only about 10% of all RA patients reach remission

7 X more RA patients can achieve remission with early treatment

we aim to diagnose RA within 2 weeks after first contact

What facts exist for the early detection of RA?

Understanding the

temperature of your hand

How can we track the progression of the disease?

Measuring the temperature of your hand

(coming soon)

What other early detection approaches does thermography offer?

Use the temperature insights to improve life

(coming soon)

AI-powered technology for early rheumatic detection utilize advanced algorithms and machine learning models to identify potential signs of rheumatic diseases, leading to prompt intervention and improved patient outcomes.

Join our team

We are building all our prototypes and

code all our software inhouse to test and

validate as fast as possible.


With the right team and the possible applications, we are going to push the boundaries of early diagnostics.

Join our team!

Jannis Heuner
(Bereichsleitung Gründung und Wachstum)

"Medirion leistet mit seiner Arbeit einen wichtigen Beitrag zur medizinischen Versorgung im Ruhrgebiet und darüber hinaus. Wir sind davon überzeugt das die Technologie von Mediriondas Potenzial hat die Gesundheitsversorgung zu revolutionieren."

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